09. Juli 2011  
Kawasaki, Japan  

Trampoline World Cup No. 4: Limited Travel Bug towards Japan ...

After Wuxi (CHN) one week before now the second Asian Trampoline world cup took place in the city of Kawasaki thies weekend.
Both top nation China and the nations USA, Germany, the Ukraine Byelorussia and others disclaimed a participation in Japan.
So only these eight counties took part at this trampoline world cup No. four of this circuit: Host Japan, Brazil, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Portugal and Russia.
Winner of the Olympic categories were the Canadian topstar Karen Cockburn and on men's sidethe Japanese  Masaki Ito. ...

... seven guest nations at the in World Cup in Kawasaki (JPN), only !

* Friday, 8. Juli: - Q u a l i f i c a t i o n

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