9. April 2018
Hiroshima, JPN
Happy Gymnastics

The first FIG World Cup event for Parkour concluded in Hiroshima / Japan on Sunday with the women’s Speed-run and men’s Freestyle final – and with the satisfaction of having proved a huge popular success. Launched as part of a new Japanese leg on the FISE’s Festival of Action Sports circuit, the Parkour competition generated massive public interest.
The city of Hiroshima in Japan welcomed for the first time a FISE World Series stopover, from April 5...

29. Januar 2018
Lausanne, SUI
Happy Gymnastics

  Launching competitions, implementing a vast educational component and undertaking field work on a worldwide scale: 2018 is certainly a year of action for Parkour, some 11 months on from its arrival within the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG).
"2018 is the year in which we must cement the work that has been done since our rapprochement with the FIG. Milestones will be set through the implementation...

22. Januar 2018
Benin, Africa
Happy Gymnastics

* f i g --: Following courses in Argentina and Sri Lanka in 2017, Benin has become the third name on the map of countries to have organised a "Join the GfA Activities" course. Cotonou, site of the FIG Executive Committee meeting last October, hosted this latest course on January 19 – 20, bringing the programme to a third continent in the process. * ... read...

4. Januar 2018
Loutraki, GRE
Happy Gymnastics

Dynamic & powerfull Summer 2019 in Geece

Following the successful premiere in the summer of 2017, the Greek organizers are already advertising for the second edition of their "CosmoGym Summer 4all" Festival, which will take place2019,  from 30 June to 5 July in the Greek city of Loutraki, on the Gulf of Corinth ...

21. Dezember 2017
Berlin, GER / Europe
Happy Gymnastics

The team and partners of the European Gymnastics Service GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL
wishes all of its business partners, clients and customers,  without those engagement the development of such a gym news system were impossible -
and also all users and friends of gymnastics from nearly 140 countries day by day.

.* The  Team of G...
