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German |
- Wine
and Jahn town in INTERNET-
03. März
Als neuer Bürgermeister der Jahn- und Weinstadt Freyburg a. d. Unstrut
wurde Udo MÄNICKE (Foto, li.) gewählt.
Er löst nach 18-jähriger, erfolgreicher Tätigkeit Martin BERTLING
ab, dessen wirksames Engagement auch für die Jahntraditionen der
Unstrutstadt, die Partnerschaft zur Jahngesellschaft sowie die
jährlichen Janturnfeste in bleibender Erinnerung |
** Archive
![The Mayor of Freyburg!](images/bertling_port.jpg)
Martin Bertling
Mayor of Freyburg
2002, June
"Greetings to all GYMmedia
site visitors around the world.
Following Friedrich Ludwig Jahn's debut world-wide on the web site in 1998, which received
a lot of recognition around the world, Freyburg - the Jahn town - would like to further
the care of Jahn Heritage by adding a few pages on the internet.
The complete website of the city of Freyburg you will find under www.freyburg-info.de
![Grandfather of Gymnastics](images/jahn_jung.gif)
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
(1778 - 1852)
At the
beginning of the year 1999, Freyburg was officially recognised as a 'health
resort'. The town, which is already known for being both a wine town and wine growers town in the
Saale-Unstrut region, is also taking on the role of organisers of the '77th Jahn
Gymnastics Festival 1999, an unique event in apparatus gymnastics.
Here, in the final place that the 'Father of Gymnastics' worked, great progress has been
made in the renovation and restoration of Jahn memorials in the last ten
tears, memorials,
which really suit the picturesque bachground of the town of Freyburg, the town on the
banks of the Unstrut river.
Places of unique cultural and historical value, such as the Jahn Museum, Jahn Hall of
Honour and the Historical Gymnasium are evidence of the town's goal of attraction an
ever-increasing number of gymnastics enthusiasts to the town.
This invitation goes out to all gymnastics clubs in the world from Freyburg, via
Come and visit us, trace the footsteps of the 'Father of Gymnastics' or simply come and
taste a drop of Saale-Unstrut wine or have a glass of 'Rotkaeppchen' Sparkling wine,
which, by the
way, also natures within our town walls.
Whatever you do, don't miss our famous 'Wine Festival', which
traditionally takes place on the 2nd weekend in September every year.
... and in August every year, since 1901, more than 1,700 apparatus gymnasts do their bit
for Jahn Heritage in a sporting way by taking part in the gem of a gymnastic event which
you shouldn't miss: 2002, August, the
23rd - 25th!
Well, surf on the internet first, then we'll look forward to your
Yours sincerely,
Martin Bertling
Mayor of Freyburg - Wine and Jahn town.
The Vice
President of the German Gymnastics Federation Mr. Hans-Juergen Zacharias
marked out the Mayor of Freyburg, Mr. Martin Bertling in 1999
with the highest distinction of DTB, the
Administration of Freyburg: ![email_monitor.gif (15369 Byte)](images/email_monitor.gif)
Contact: Freyburg.Stadt@t-online.de
![bertl_jahnurkunde.jpg (24713 Byte)](images/bertl_jahnurkunde.jpg)