19. Juni 2009
Montreal, Kanada
Artistic Gymnastics

The Canadian company "Cirque du Soleil" that made it respectable to run away with the circus staged an extravaganza outside its Montreal headquarters this week:
About 900 stilt walkers from dozens of countries are to gather to celebrate an entertainment behemoth's 25th anniversary.
These days, the Cirque du Soleil is a cultural juggernaut and Canadian business marvel whose founder, Guy Laliberté, is so rich he just bought himself a $35-million (U.S.) ticket into space.

5. Juni 2009
Frankfort / Main, Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

The "INTERNATIONAL GERMAN TURNFEST 2009" opened May 30 in Frankfort/M., Germany finished today evening with a big stadium gala and about 40,000 spectators. This traditional event is one of the biggest gym festival worldwide and bears a big meaning for the German society, the sports and the culture too, but also about all borders for the international gymnastics family.
* GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL reported day by day front-ranking from all the national championships of all gymnastics disciplines, which also held in...

30. Mai 2009
Moscow, Russia
Artistic Gymnastics

After the Friday's qualification rounds the 2009 "WORLD STARS" event - identical to a FIG world cup event -the finals held Suturday in the Russian capital Moscow.

Host Russia won five golden medals - four in women's and one in men's category and altogether 10 medals.
Last year a junior yet, the Muscovite Yekaterina Kurbatova was the most successful gymnast winning on vault and uneven bars and the Dutch Sanne Weavers on beam was the only...

27. Mai 2009
New York / Lausanne
Artistic Gymnastics

34 year old German gymnast Oxana Chusovitina of Uzbek origin, multiple World Champion and 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Silver Medallist, has been nominated by the Women’s Sports Foundation for the prestigious Wilma Rudolf Courage Award.
Chusovitina was recognised for the exemplary courage and strength she displayed when she increased her participation in international competitions to finance her son Alisher’s health care costs at a time when he was gravely ill.
Today, Alisher is ten...

27. Mai 2009
New York / Lausanne
Artistic Gymnastics

Oxana Chusovitina, die im August 2008 im Alter von 33 Jahren die olympische Silbermedaille für Deutschland gewann, ist von der renommierten  Women’s Sports Foundation für ihren beispielhafte und langjährige Karriere als Olympiasiegerin, mehrfache Welt- und Europameisterin und für ihren harten Kampf um die Gesundheit ihres Sohnes Alisher, für den sie mit Unterstützung deutscher Freunde, weltweiter Solidarität und hartem, eigenen Kampf mit hoher Selbstdisziplin die Mittel für seine Gesundung aufbrachte. Alisher ist jetzt 10 Jahre alt und völlig geheilt...
