4. Januar 2003
Linz (AUT), Berlin (GER)
Artistic Gymnastics

For one of Germany's longest-serving senior coaches, Monday 5 January 2009 is his first working day in the European City of Culture, Linz, in Upper Austria.
Siegfried WÜSTEMANN, hitherto of SC Berlin - following his predecessor Gerhard Kaminski (who served as senior coach at the former SC Dynamo Berlin for over 24 years) - has thus, after 22 years, ended one of the longest periods of service in a leading position at a German gymnastics centre, and one which is among the most successful in the...

3. Januar 2003
In Portrait
Artistic Gymnastics

From 1997 to 2000 she was one of the stars of the French artistic gymnastics women team and Nelly Ramassamy was member of the French Olympic and world championships Equipe.
At last Nelly participated in autumn 2002 at the Massilia GYM Trophy in Marseille...
In 2003 the 19 years old gymnast have to fight agains the new and younger talents in national Frech gymnastics...
>> ... read more (in French) about Nelly Ramassamy (... > in German)

2. Januar 2003
Artistic Gymnastics

The German women's team of artistic gymnastics started from January the 1st on the special training camp for the world championships in Anaheim (August 2003).
Thirteen gymnasts from eight different German clubs will work from now on two weeks in Cologne, at the German Highscholl of Physical Culture 'Deutsche Sporthochschule', which is also the home of the TURNTEAM TOYOTA Cologne, folowed by one week training at the different home clubs of the athletes.
After a break of more...

31. Dezember 2002
Artistic Gymnastics

Soeben überschritt das GYMmedia-Hilfskonto die Summe von 15.000,- EURO, die noch in diesem Jahr zu 100% und direkt zur Unterstützung für den kleinen leukämiekranken Sohn Alisher der Turnolympiasiegerin Oksana Tschusowitina überwiesen werden. Weltweit ist weitere Hilfe im Gange und weiterhin gehen Spenden zur Absicherung der Behandlungskosten ein. Die Solidarität der großen Turnfamilie ist besonders in der Vorweihnachtszeit weiterhin gefragt ..helfen auch S I E oder Ihr Verein !

24. Dezember 2002
New Caledonia
Artistic Gymnastics

A part of French National Team that is preparing for the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, utilized the French Federation's training camp in New Caledonia to conduct an unofficial competition (4 Gymnasts) with a team from the Australian Gymnastics Federation.
The gymnasts from France defeated the gymnasts from the fifth continent with 165,80 to 157,90 points. Benoit Caranobe (FRA) was the best in all-around....
>> ... read more
