8. August 2007
Artistic Gymnastics

Important events in advance of Stuttgart 2007
Some of the national championships but also interest meets which will be held in this period are very interesting before the World championships (Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1 - 9):

  For instance France named its national teams for Stuttgart,
... interesting men's results at the "Scherbo's Cup" in Minsk with the Byelorussian double winners Sawitsky and Savenkov and
... some more national championships in Germany, Rumania, Great  Britain and Spain...

2. August 2007
Lilleshall / Great Britain
Artistic Gymnastics

GYMmedia Boerse / ... Job Exchange
British Gymnastics is seeking to recruit a Performance Director with specific responsibilities for the Olympic disciplines Artistic (men & women) and Rhythmic gymnastics.

 >> The closing date for receipt of applications is August  31st.
>>... Detailed Information

27. Juli 2007
Belgrade / Serbia
Artistic Gymnastics

The 9th EUROPEAN YOUTH OLYMPIC SUMMER FESTIVAL 2007 took place in Belgrade, Serbia, from 22 to 27 July 2007.
At the artistic gymnastics events 107 female juniors participated, representing 39 different European countries, including 32 complete teams (3 gymnasts).
The Ukrainian Valentyna HOLENKOVA won the all-around decision with a score of 57,050, in front of a Romanian duo, Stefania PATRASCU (56,500) and Andreea ACATRINEI (55,050) ....
Holenkova also won the finals on bars and beam...

23. Juli 2007
Civitavecchia, Magglingen
Artistic Gymnastics

Swiss girls ... "forgotten" at the victory ceremony...
In a tournament of six countries in the central Italian harbour town of Civitavecchia - ROMANIA won the meet in front of ITALY and FRANCE, followed bei CZECH REPUBLIC, SWITZERLAND and  EGYPT.

Allaround world champion Vanessa FERRARI won with a super score of 62,100 points. On second came NISTOR (ROU), followed by PETIT (FRA).
A big surprise was the fourth placed Swiss Ariella KAESLIN, who achieved the best result of...

22. Juli 2007
Civitavecchia / Italy
Artistic Gymnastics

Schweizerinnen bei Siegerehrung "vergessen" ...
Mit einem Mehrländerkampf in der mittelitalienischen Hafenstadt Civitavecchia - u.a.  mit Mehrkampfweltmeisterin Vanessa Ferrari und der rumänischen Riege - begann auch für die Schweizer Kunstturnerinnen am Samstag der Countdown im Hinblick auf die WM in Stuttgart (1. bis 9. September).

Comback einer dreifachen Olympiasiegerin
Erwartungsgemäß hieß dort die Reihenfolge RUMÄNIEN, vor ITALIEN und FRANKREICH. Die Tschechische Mannschaft konnte sich um 0,45 Punkten noch vor den Schweizerinnen und vor Ägypten platzieren.
