23. September 2007
Cottbus / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

Europe's Top Juniors in Cottbus
On the first day of competitions at the 22nd International GWG-Cup 2007 in the Cottbus Lausitzarena the Ukrainian Mykyta Yermak won the all-round competition of the 11 to 14 year olds ahead of his team mate Oleg VernyayevSebastian Bock from Chemnitz came 3rd.

In the 15 to 18 age group the two Swiss gymnasts Kimon Wegmann and Lukas Fischer dominated, ahead of the German Fabian Lotz who is a member of the DTB...

21. September 2007
Zürich / Schweiz
Artistic Gymnastics

Swiss hosts expect a prestigious list of participants
The places in the artisitc gymnastics pairs competition, the Swiss Cup 2007 beginning on November 4th in the Zurich Hallenstadion are much sought after.

Well-known participants from more than ten countries have already registered. It is already certain that the star of floor gymnastics, Diego Hypolito from Brazil, will participate.
The pair representing the Swiss hosts has also already been confirmed...

21. September 2007
Yokohama / Japan
Artistic Gymnastics

Cottbus und Yokohama im Fokus der Turn-Talente

Zeitgleich mit dem hochkarätigen europäischen Nachwuchsturnier für junge Turner, dem GWG-Cup in Cottbus, gibt es im japanischen Yokohama ein traditionelles Internationales Nachwuchs-Wettkampf, bei dem Deutschland durch die beiden Deutschen Jugendmeister Andreas TOBA (NTT / TK Hannover) und Sebastian KRIMMER (Backnang) vertreten werden, die den Mehrkampftitel im Juni bei den Deutschen Jugendmeisterschaften in Spergau (Sachsen-Anhalt) punktgleich in der AK 17/18 gewonnen hatten.

Verantworlicher Trainer für...

21. September 2007
Cottbus / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

XXII. INTERNATIONAL GWG-CUP 2007 - "Masters of Tomorrow"!
The German team champion SC Cottbus is organizing the "GWG-Cup", a international junior tournament of the highest prestige for the 22nd time.
This time, the organizers are expecting about 27 teams from 17 countries on 22nd/23rd September 2007.
The organizers - who also organize another favourite competition of the stars of the international artisitic gymnastics scene, the world cup  "TOURNAMENT OF MASTERS" - use the...

15. September 2007
Ostrava / Czech Republic
Artistic Gymnastics

Only one week after the  40th Worlds in Stuttgart the next competition of this year's world cup series (category B) was held in the city of Ostrava, in the Czech Republic.

Most of the international top stars left out this event .
So it was a good possibility for a lot of second rank athletes to get the attention of the media and the experts...
