Seine ansteigende WM-Form bewies der Prager Turner Martin Konecny nach einem Wettkampf in Brno:
In einer 'One-Man-Show' stellte er am Reck vor laufenden TV-Kameras einen neuen tschechischen Rekord auf:
Der Reck-Junioren-Europameister von Patras (2002) turnte 11 Mal die Tkatschow-Kontergrätsche in Folge und kam damit bis auf einen Versuch an die Leistung von Olympiasieger Sergei Charkow heran, der während der DTB-Gala Mitte der neunziger Jahre 12 solcher Flugelemente in ununterbrochener Folge zelebrierte und das Publikum zu Standing-Ovations provozierte....
Last weekend was held the British Championships of artistic gymnastics at the Robin Park Arena & Sports Centre of Wigan.
Ross Brewer from Sutton S.G. is the British All-around Senior Champion 2005 und wins this title for the third time!
He scored 51.45 points, followed by Danny Lawrence (South Essex / 48.90) and David Eaton (Hinckley- 48.30) on third place.
At today‘s 4th 'International ALSTERPOKAL' the winner of finals are: Julia Hänel on vault, Susann Herbst on uneven bars (both TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf; GER)), Kelcie Morris (Frederick Gymnastics Club; USA) on beam and Jenny Brunner (TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf) on floor.
Yesterday, the team of TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf (GER) won the elite’s team competition (100.35 points) ahead of the gymnasts of Frederick Gymnastics Club (USA; 99.30). The delegation of the Egyptian Gymnastics Federation achieved the third place with 97.75 points.
At today‘s 4th 'International ALSTERPOKAL' the Team TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf (GER) won the elite’s team competition (100.35 points) ahead of the gymnasts of the Fredericks Gymnastics Club (USA; 99.30). The delegation of the Egyptian Gymnastics Federation achieved the third place with 97.75 points.
The elite’s all-around was won by Lisa Reifscheider (Fredericks Gymnastics Club, USA) with 33.70 points. Jenny Brunner (33.50) of TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf and Kelcie Morris (32.90) of Fredericks Gymnastics Club, USA, followed on the medal ranks.
Alltogether 33 participants from 10 different countries took part at the important 'International Junior Gymnastics Competition' in Yokohama (JPN) Japan.
Winner of the all-around competition of male juniors was the national Chinese AA-champion Liang, Mingsheng.
He bet the Japanese Tatsuki Nakashima from the Japanese host and the Ukrainian Andrei Issaev.
Women's individuel champion is Natasha Kelley (USA), 2nd placed is her teammate Binaca Flohr, followed by 3rd place Sandra...