Chellsie Memmel of West Allis., Wis., the all-around champion at the 2005 Pan Am Championships, is one of six women participating in the T.J. Maxx U.S. Women’s Team Selection Camp for the 2005 World Championships, Nov. 22-27, in Melbourne, Australia.
The four-woman squad will be announced on November 14; selection is based on performances during the camp, November 9-13.
The six U.S. women are:
Jana Bieger, Coconut Creek, Fla./Twisters Gymnastics Academy; Annie DiLuzio, Folsom, Calif./Byers Gymnastics...
Chinese Pair finished Rumanian Serie...
It was the Chinese Olympic champion (pommel) Teng, Haibin and his partner, the 15 years old girl Han, Bing, who finished the Rumanien victories of the last years, and won the SWISS CUP 2005 in the Saalsport Hall of Zurich on Sunday.
On second place in the pair final came the Rumanians with Izbasa / Selariu....
Only two days after the Grand Prix Glasgow and one week after the DTB Cup in Stuttgart is held the third event of the F.I.G World Cup Circuit 2005/6, the 38th SALAMUNOV MEMORIAL 2005' in the Slovanian city Maribor, hometown of the gymnastics legend Leon Stukelj.
It is not a favorable density of events this autumn in sequence of the date of the World Championships at the end of November this year....
After eleven days of practice at the Olympic Centre of the US National Olympic Commitee did the young athletes of the German junior team return home from Colorado Springs on Wednesday.
Beside of an official meet against the hosts was the main cause of the trip the practice together and the sharing of experience and practice methods with the US-boys...
Squeezed between the 'DTB Cup' (Germany) and Maribor 'Solomunov Memorial' (Slovenia), the Glasgow Grand Prix attracted none but the brave and the enduring.
The Glasgow Men’s Floor Champion was Canada’s Brandon O'Neil. The battle on Rings saw Yuri Van Gelder of Nederlands just win Gold ahead of Russia’s Alexander Safoshkin. Lesnek Blanik of Poland won the Vault Gold. Dezhi Li of China was an easy winner of the Parallel Bars Final with a superb display of difficulty above,...