3. Mai 2008
Bergisch Gladbach / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

Winner of the  1st Pre-Olympic YOUTH Cup 2008  in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany was the German  Susann HERBST from one of the leading German club TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf (Saxonia), who scored  55,70 points, in front of Stefanie HAMANN from  Dresdner SC (53,75) and Lisa-Katharina HILL (53,65), also fromTuS Chemnitz-Altendorf ).

Also in the age group  14/15 the victory went to the hosts, although the very sttrong concurrence specially from the Netherlands:  Elisabeth SEITZ from  LZ Mannheim was the winner in front of  Wyomi...

19. April 2008
Artistic Gymnastics

* The "Fédération Royale Belge de Gymnastique" (FFGym)  - the French speaking part of the Royal Belgian Gymnastics Federation -  is seeking for each a coach for male and femal gymnastics....
*After the successful search for a rhythmic gymnastic coach in January 2008,
the 'Zurich Gymnastics Federation" (ztv = Züricher Turnverband) - the biggest regional gymnastics federation with 70,000 members in Switzerland,
is now seeking for a qualified and German-speaking (!) chief coach...

18. April 2008
Cottbus / Oslo
Artistic Gymnastics

Veteran and world record holder Espen JANSEN ...
Norwegian Espen JANSEN was not only the by far oldest gymnast (39) in Lausitz-Arena at the last Gymnastics World Cup in Cottbus, but also the only participant who started on all the six apparatuses - he was therewith (unofficially) the best in the all-around competition in this event and gained remarkable 81,725 points. 
Already at the last World Championships 2007 in Stuttgart the man from Oslo was the oldest...

16. April 2008
Tokio / Japan
Artistic Gymnastics

The 19-year-old Koehei UCHIMURA beats the expierenced members of the Japanese golden Olympic team at the first national Olympic trials with a score of 182.500 points after the second day in Tokyo.

Uchimura made his first international events in Europe last year and was finalist of the world cup event in Paris...

On women's side, the 22-year-old Miki UEMURA from the Japanese WOLRDS- team, which ranked 12th in Stuttgart, won the all-around with 116,900 points ...

13. April 2008
Cottbus / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

(Balance Beam & Floor)

>> GOLD for Xiao, Sha (CHN) and Sandra Izbasa (ROU)!

In today’s Women´s second finals at the FIG-Worldcup in the Lausitz-Arena from Cottbus (Germany) the favourites in Balance Beam and Floor Exercises triumphed once again:
On beam Xiao, Sha (CHN) was unbeatable with a brilliant routine. On floor exercise Sandra Izbasa (ROU) convinced with
