22. Oktober 2004
Lausanne / Schweiz
Artistic Gymnastics

The fig pronounced, that the Court of Arbitration for Sport has rejected the appeal submitted by the Korean Gymnast Yang Tae Young, against the judges’ decision after the Men’s Olympic All Around competition in Athens.

According to the rules in effect, the ranking will not be modified and the gold medal will remain as presented to Paul Hamm (USA)....

21. Oktober 2004
Artistic Gymnastics

Relaunch and top news....!
The Supplier of the Olympic Games ATHENS 2004, the Dutch company Janssen-Fritsen relaunched it website.
'We are proud to present the new Janssen-Fritsen Gymnastics website', so the J&F-export manager Mr. Willam Bouwman said. 'Under the 'old' link www.janssen-fritsen.com you will find a completely renewed website in English, published by our media partner GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL....

21. Oktober 2004
Antalya / TURK
Artistic Gymnastics

At the 75th General Assembly (Congress) of FIG, which started yesterday In Antalya (TUR), the FIG Executive Committee finished the analyse of the Athens issues.
The action plan will be presented to the Congress as of Thursday, so the FIG pronounced...

21. Oktober 2004
Leverkusen / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

Germany's oldest international event
The traditional 'LEVERKUSEN CUP' for women's artistic gymnastics celebrates it's 29th anniversary this year.
On Saturday, October, the 30th the chief-organizer Dieter Schulz and his well-tried team will welcome guests from 10 nations in the venue 'Wilhelm-Dopatka-Halle' in Leverkusen.

This tournament started in 1972 with two small events, followed from 1975 on, year by year, by a wellknown top adress for an international competition now!
Also in this year the Mayor...

19. Oktober 2004
Dornbirn / Austria
Artistic Gymnastics

From 23rd until 26 October take place in the Messestadion (fair stadium) of Dornbirn/Austria the 5th 'TeamGym', better confessed than European Championships in team gymnastics. Organizer in this year is the Austrian gymnastics federation (ÖFT). About 800 gymnast out of 14 countries participate with 47 teams in this attractive competition. All the gymnasts present a practice in Mini tramp, jumped on Tumbling course and shown similar Ground performance. It gives the three categories 'Women', 'Men' and 'Mixed-Teams'.
