Since 13 years GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL gives all media, organisers, fans of all GYMnastics disciplines an overview of the most important international tournaments and event dates.
The tournament year 2010 with the first dates e.g. all aerobic gymnastics world cups 2010 has just opened!
* Gain an overview
(*- see links: continuous link: GYM world calendar )
* * Also your event can be put...
The Dutch artistic gymnast Yuri Van Gelder - ex-world champion 2005 and current European champion on the rings - was banned on Monday after a positiv doping test (Summer 2009) for one year. The 26 year old earlier worl- and current European champion was tested positive for cocain consumption in June, in the process of the national Dutch championships.
(* ... see GYMmedia-News from 14. 07. 2009)
Van Gelder was world champion on the rings in 2005 and obtained also...
... all in good hands with "Reichel"!!
With it's highbar straps, the brand "Reichel" Germany's gymnast Fabian Hambuechen for instance became world champion, the Italian highbar Olympics winner Igor Cassina got the Olympics gold. The quality products of the German saddlery "Reichel" from Gahlenz, a district of Saxon Oederan, are worn by modern gymnastics starts, by Olympics winners, world- and european champions, national champions and many newcomer gymnasts all over the world. The protective hand leathers for the highbar,...
With the win of the British vice- world champion of the all-around discipline Daniel KEATINGS in Hanover, part three of the so-called "Championstrophy" was brought to an end. He stepped above the 19 year old Romanian Flavius KOCZI who achieved second place with 89,125 points and the world championship 5th Maxim DEVIATOVSKI (87,675) from Russia, who at the moment has the best prospects for the total win in this series of four parts, which will be completed in Stuttgart in November. Fabian...
US-gymnastics --: The junior U.S. men’s team convincingly defeated Germany and Canada in a friendly competition at the Olympic Training Center on October 24, 2009, in Colorado Springs, Colo.
The U.S team earned 346.750 total points, finishing first on every apparatus. Germany finished in second place with 324.900, while Canada took third with 324.250. A sweep of the all-around by the USA was led by CJ Maestas, who won with a total of 87.000. Maestas also...