2. Oktober 2008
Beijing / China
Artistic Gymnastics

Chinese female gymnasts who competed at this year'sBeijing Olympics were not underage, the sport's governing body said Wednesday after investigating claims the Games hosts fielded ineligible athletes.
The International Gymnastics Federation (F.I.G.) had asked the Chinese federation to submit documents proving the birthdates of five members of the gold medal-winning team, He Kexin, Jiang Yuyuan, Li Shanshan, Deng Linlin and Yang Yilin.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) had specifically asked the FIG to investigate double Olympic...

22. September 2008
Gent, Belgium
Artistic Gymnastics

* GYMmedia job Exchange
The Belgian Gymnastics Federations (FfG and GymFed) have two vacancies:
- each one for the French speaking part women's artistic gymnastics coach and
- each one for the Flemish speaking part (women's artistic gymnastics HEADCOACH) ...
... also the "Schweizer Turnverband" (STV; Swiss Gymnastics Federation) is seeking for a national coach of rhythmic Gymnastics....:
Find this, more and all the other offers in our
* ... look at our high frequented 

21. September 2008
Cottbus / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

The Swiss  Lukas FISCHER - regular visitor of the last years - was the winner of the junior all-around competition of the traditional XXIII. International  GWG-CUP. one of the best European artistic gymnastics event for male talents.
On second place came Reiss Beckfort (GBR) followed by the German Toni Wolfgang (KTV Chemnitz). Fisher was also the best on floor exercises.
The 13 years old Anthony WISE from Great Britain won in the age group 12 -14 with 42 (!) participants. On second place came the...

18. September 2008
Cottbus / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

Also the 23rd anniversary of one of the top level international talent event of artistic gymnastics will held in the German city of Cottbus.
The Japanese and Italian delegations are are welcomed at the first in Cottbus, today...!
The  XXIII. INTERNATIONALEN G W G - GUP  2008 , which will held September 20 - 21 at the Lausitz arena, the same venue, like the traditional "Cottbus World Cup Event, every spring.
The organizers will welcom...

13. September 2008
Magglingen, Schweiz
Artistic Gymnastics

"Im Leistungszentrum in Magglingen weht bald ein neuer Wind", so jedenfalls kommentierte die Schweizer Presse den heftigen Wechsel des gesamten Trainerteams im Bereich Männer Kunstturnen, und:
Seit langem wird mit Beni Fluck (52) wieder ein Schweizer Cheftrainer im europäischen Turn-Traditionsland an der Spitze stehen:
Der neue Chef Bernhard «Beni» Fluck betreute bisher den Nachwuchs. Er war Trainer jener Junioren-Riege, die an den Europameisterschaften 2002 in Patras hinter Russland sensationell die Silbermedaille errungen hatte. Mit Ausnahme von Christoph...
