öft ---: During the two weeks up to the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, the traditional voting procedures took place for the selection of theAustrian Gymnastics Federation's (ÖFT) "Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year". The result was determined by a combination of a jury consisting of prominent international experts and media representatives, on the one hand, and online fan voting in which thousands of votes were cast, on the other. The rhythmic gymnast Caroline Weber (V), who took part in the Olympic Games, and the 18-year old top-ranking...
Ukrainian National Olympic Committee determines the country's best athlete and trainer in the month of December
According to the poll for the last month of 2008, the winner of the World Cup Final in Madrid in artistic gymnastics Oleksandr Vorobyov (<< photo, left) was voted best athlete. His trainer Oleksandr Horin was voted best trainer.
The Ukrainian National Olympic Committee determines the country's best athletes and trainers each month.
The National Olympic Committee traditionally awards each...
As of January 2009, the Frenchman Yves KIEFFER will be the new head coach of the GymnastiekFederatie Vlaanderen, the Flemish section of the Royal Belgian Gymnastics Federation has announced.
<< Yves Kieffer has been engaged for the new Olympic Cycle 2009-2012 and will take the lead of the women's artistic gymnastics section at the training centre in Ghent, Belgium ...
The Russian Gymnastics Federation announced last week that the former head coach of Ukraine and Brazil, Oleg OSTAPENKO, will be the new junior women's coach for Russia. He will take this new responsibility under the lead of the new Russian head Alexander Alexandrov, who returned to Russia last month after working for 15 years in Texas.
Ostapenko - who had been working as the Brazilian head coach since 2001 - returned to Ukraine in November 2008, initially with the...
Host Russia captured three of four all-around titles (elite & juniors) at the annual "Voronin Cup 2008", which concluded last week (Dec 18) in Mosocw.
Russia's Kristina Goryunova (59.950) and Japan's Hiroyuki Imai (87.800) won the senior all-around titles on Wednesday and the title at the parallel bars final.
Goryunova won also vault and uneven bars and the
third placed in all-around, Dmitri GOGOTOV, was the winner at the final on floor exercise on Tuesday....