15. Juni 2007
Shanghai / China
Artistic Gymnastics

China's press reported that injured gymnast  WANG, Yan is expected to recover the function of the left part of body after she successfully moved her right fingers and leg, a doctor in Shanghai said yesterday. 

The 15-year-old gymnast from Zhejiang broke her neck after a fall from the uneven bars at China's National Championships in Shanghai last  Sunday. 
Wang fell on her head after leaving the high bar in the women's qualifying event while completing a 360-degree flip.

4. Juni 2007
Buenos Aires / Argentina
Artistic Gymnastics

The long time Swedish champion Veronica WAGNER was the most successful gymnast at the women's artistic gymnastics world cup, which was held in Buenos Aires, last weekend.
In the absence of most of the leading international rivals,  she was first on vault and balance beam.

World cup winner on uneven bars was the 24 years old German Katja ABEL from Berlin and the young Russian Daria ELIZAROVA won on floor exercises.

4. Juni 2007
Zurich / Switzerland
Artistic Gymnastics

Swiss pair Kaeslin/Böschenstein signed on
The organizers of the artistic gymnastics SWISS CUP which will take place from 4th November 2007 in the Zurich Hallenstadion plan to present to their audience a first rank field of participants once again this year.
The aim is to get male and female athletes in ten first class national teams to compete in a pairs competition.

The first-class Swiss duo
<< Ariella Kaeslin und Niki Böschenstein has already been signed on....

2. Juni 2007
Artistic Gymnastics

Last weekend the Spanish national femal junior team won a friendly meet in Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany versus the German host with 208,35 : 212,05 points clearly.
On third place came the girls from Belgium with  a score of 195,600, followed by the impaired Austrian team on fourth place (185,100).
Best of all-around was the Spaniard Ana Maria IZURIETA (ESP) with 54,900 points, in front of Joeline MÖBIUS (53,50) and Lisa-Katharina Hill (- both GER; 53,45). Best of Belgium was...

27. Mai 2007
Regina / Canada
Artistic Gymnastics

Canada's 2006 national junior champion Kristina VACULIK won the 2007 Elite National all-around title in a predominant manner at the Canadian Championships, which was held Tursday, May 24 in Regina. Silver medallist was Stephanie Pacitto with  adifference of more than three points (!).  Marci Bernholtz and 2006 junior silver medalist Sydney Sawa came on third place.

<< On men's side David KIKUCHI, leading after day 1, won the men's senior title over 2004 champion Grant Golding and three more titles at the apparatus...
