11. August 2007
Schaffhausen / Switzerland
Artistic Gymnastics

Triple Meet with strong German team  
Of course, the victory of the Rumanian national team in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, with 238,150 points, had been expected, but Germany ranked in second place with a difference of  1.45 points only; they also beat the Rumanian favorites on vault ( 58.45 : 57,75) and also on uneven bars (61,35 : 57,80).

Olympic Champion Catalina PONOR earned the highest score on balance beam (16.300 - team result: 63.100), but teammate Steliana NISTOR was the best...

10. August 2007
Beijing / China
Artistic Gymnastics

'BOCOG' confirmed Olympic Suppliers 2008...
The Beijing Olympic Committee for the Olympic Games 2008 (BOCOG) has just announced the "Official Supplier" of the 2008 Olympic Games.
The Dutch company "JanssenFritsen" from Helmond/NED has once again been selected, for the 5th time, to supply the artistic gymnastics equipment which will be used at the Olympic Games 2008 in the Chinese capital.
<< "Made in Holland, Used in Beijing" 
- under this slogan and  equipped with the newest and most...

8. August 2007
Amsterdam / Netherlands
Artistic Gymnastics

To the first time the Organizing Committee of the next, the 2nd European Individual Championships, which will held in Amsterdam (2007, April 26 to 29), met in the Dutch metropole.
This first official meeting with the local organizing committee (LOC) under the direction of the President WTC/UEG, Marie-Paule Hoffmann shows that the preparations progress very well indeed....

8. August 2007
Artistic Gymnastics

Important events in advance of Stuttgart 2007
Some of the national championships but also interest meets which will be held in this period are very interesting before the World championships (Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1 - 9):

  For instance France named its national teams for Stuttgart,
... interesting men's results at the "Scherbo's Cup" in Minsk with the Byelorussian double winners Sawitsky and Savenkov and
... some more national championships in Germany, Rumania, Great  Britain and Spain...

2. August 2007
Lilleshall / Great Britain
Artistic Gymnastics

GYMmedia Boerse / ... Job Exchange
British Gymnastics is seeking to recruit a Performance Director with specific responsibilities for the Olympic disciplines Artistic (men & women) and Rhythmic gymnastics.

 >> The closing date for receipt of applications is August  31st.
>>... Detailed Information
