8. Februar 2003
European Team Champs 2003
Artistic Gymnastics

DeThe Austrian Gymnastics Federation OEFT jubilates: To the first time the Aistrians are among the best 8 European nations at the 2nd European Team Champs', which will be held in May 3 -4 in Moscow. The reason is the retirement of France, Netherlands, Czech Republic and Latvia. So host Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Italy, Bulgaria, Great Britain and Hungary are the qualified nations.
The last host of the 1st European Champs 2001 in Riesa Germany (7th place) is no more...

6. Februar 2003
Artistic Gymnastics

Den FRIEDENSAPPELL deutscher Sportler unterzeichnete heute auch Ex-Weltmeister an den Ringen Andreas AGUILAR. Mit 71 prominenten Unterschriften liegen die Turner damit auch als die aktivsten dieser Initiative an der Spitze der aktuellen Liste.. Es folgen Fußball (46 Unterschriften, 2 Olympiasieger), Radsport (34/9), Leichtathletik (24/9) und Rudern 18/11) von bislang 21 verschiedenen Sportarten.

5. Februar 2003
Artistic Gymnastics

A partnership between the city of Cottbus and the city Gelsenkirchen is the background for a new partnership to the water company GELSENWASSER AG. This is an international service enterprise for the water and energy sectors, with numerous branches, subsidiaries, and investees in many parts of Germany and neighboring European states and now the new sponsor of the traditional 'Tournament of Masters in Cottbus.....
>> .. read more

4. Februar 2003
Artistic Gymnastics

Today morning the both last German Olympic Champions of artistic gymnastics, the champion on rings Holger BEHRENDT (Seoul 1988) and high bar champion Andreas WECKER (Atlanta 1996) signed the 'APPEAL for PEACE of German Sportsmen'.
Wecker is also starting a new bussiness carreer in fitness and wellness trade..
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3. Februar 2003
Artistic Gymnastics
Artistic Gymnastics

GYMmedia publishes all dates of the
(artistic gymnastics)
