21. Oktober 2020
Leipzig, GER
Artistic Gymnastics

*DTB-Info--: In a press release  the German Gymnastics Federation (DTB) announced today that due to the development of the pandemic and after intensive exchange between the DTB, the city of Leipzig, the Free State of Saxony and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs, which will take place from May 12 - 16, 2021, the world's largest popular and top-class sports event will be held in Leipzig, the "International German Gymnastics Festival 2021" is canceled.

14. Oktober 2020
Vinnhorst, GER
Artistic Gymnastics

TuS Vinnhorst sets signs of Motivation:

After Lower Saxony's artistic gymnasts from TuS Vinnhorst have laid a successful track for young gymnasts with the "International ZAG Junior Cup" in recent years, they absolutely want its continuation, even in this compliceted pandemic year: Despite the ongoing problems caused by Corona, the German hosts from the Club TuS Vinnhorst has now established itself in agreement with the regional gymnastics federation (NTB), it was decided to hold this international competition...

13. Oktober 2020
Roma, ITA
Artistic Gymnastics

Acting President of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) Niels Nygaard today called on the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus to live up to its obligations outlined in the Olympic Charter to ensure its athletes are not discriminated against for their political or any other views. The EOC, which is the umbrella organisation for the 50 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of Europe, has received a number of complaints from Belarusian athletes relating to politically motivated pressure from...

12. Oktober 2020
Frankfurt/M., GER
Artistic Gymnastics

On the recommendation of a competence committee made up of Federation doctors, head and national trainers as well as athletes' spokespersons, the German Gymnastics Federation (DTB) announced that it would not send its gymnasts or gymnasts to the upcoming 2020 European Championships in artistic and rhythmic gymnastics ...:

5. Oktober 2020
Lausanne, SUI
Artistic Gymnastics

!! EG press--: The Executive Committee of European Gymnastics (EG) met online today to discuss the 2020 European Championships in Men’s and Women’s Artistic Gymnastics. After the notification from Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation that due to the pandemic no major events can be hosted in Azerbaijan until the end of 2020, the EC came to the following decisions:
The 2020 ECh in Men’s Artistic Gymnastics will be maintained (without Olympic qualification) from...
