15. Dezember 2014
Toyota-City, Japan
Artistic Gymnastics

At the 2014 Toyota International concluded Sunday in Toyota City Japanese gymnasts won eight of ten gold medals.

Winning four of six apparatus on men's side Japan dominated the international field: Kohei UCHIMURA marked the day's highest score of 15.925 on high bar and compatriot Yusuke Tanaka secured thereby having the same difficulty (7.2) and the final score 15.825 from a double victory for the hosts..
The two foreigners victories get to the vault world champion (2011 and...

11. Dezember 2014
Wahington DC, USA
Artistic Gymnastics

Nadia Comaneci met US-President Barack Obama at the White House on Monday, and then she posted a photo on her Facebook page: ”Great honor to be in the White House celebrating the Special Olympics  with Barack Obama,” wrote Nadia Comaneci at the picture she shakes hands with U.S. President. The legend of gymnastics was accompanied at the event hosted by the White House  by her husband Bart Conner, who in the same picture is seen in the background shaking hands...

8. Dezember 2014
Baku, Azerbaijan
Artistic Gymnastics

Baku 2015 European Games has signed a deal with China Central Television that will see the inaugural event broadcast across the whole country. The extensive deal grants exclusive broadcast rights across China to the station’s CCTV 5 and CCTV 5+ sports channels.
The station, which has an approximate audience of 1.2 billion people, will broadcast the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, as well as highlights of all 20 sports competitions.
Mr Simon Clegg, Baku 2015 Chief Operating Officer,...

7. Dezember 2014
Acapulco, MEX
Artistic Gymnastics

For the fourth time the Mexican Gymnastics Federation had invited to its "Mexican Open 2014", which took place this weekend in Acapulco.
The men's competition was won by the Columbian Jossimar CALVO with 88.750 points followed bythe US-American Danell Leyva (87.950) and the Japanese Kenzo Kaneko (87.300). Germany's Andreas Bretschneider ranked on fourth  place (84.550), and risked again is currently difficult element of artistic gymnastics, the somersault  with double screw (= single element of difficulty for...

6. Dezember 2014
Glasgow, GBR
Artistic Gymnastics

Ukrainian Oleg Verniaiev and Romanian Larisa Iordache retained their Glasgow World Cup gymnastics titles with dominant displays at the prestigious international event held once again at Emirates Arena. Both gymnasts have world class pedigree and proved that once again with near faultless displays across all apparatus, the capacity crowd showing huge appreciation for their skills.
Verniaiev was dominant, having placed 4th all-around at the 2014 World Championships he mastered the six men’s apparatus - floor, pommel horse,...
