23. März 2020
New York, USA
Artistic Gymnastics

America's newspaper "US Today" just announced a statement by former IOC Vice President Richard POUND that postponing the Tokyo Summer Olympics due to the Corona crisis is already a done deal. "... as far as I know ... the games won't start on July 24th," the 77-year-old Canadian told the US press: He said in a phone interview, that the Games will likely be moved to 2021, with the details to be worked out in...

17. März 2020
Lausanne, SUI
Artistic Gymnastics

* U E G - news --: In the last 48 hours, significant decisions have been made around the world with regards to the COVID-19 outbreak. Even though UEG and the host federations were previously keen to hold the events as scheduled with strict safety precautions, ongoing challenges presented by COVID-19 such as travel restrictions and Government mandates led to a thorough re-evaluation of our events in the first half of 2020.

16. März 2020
Lausanne, SUI
Artistic Gymnastics

Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the upcoming FIG events

* f i g --: The fast-changing situation related to the COVID-19 outbreak is a challenge for the International Gymnastics Federation as well as all sports governing bodies.
The FIG is continuously monitoring the evolution of the situation closely with the host federations of upcoming events.
** Artistic Gymnastics - The Japan Gymnastics Association (JGA) has decided to cancel the Tokyo All-Around World Cup that was scheduled...

11. März 2020
Stuttgart, GER
Artistic Gymnastics

Due to the increasing spread of the corona virus, the German organizers of the Swabian Gymnastics Association (STB) and the German Gymnastics Federation (DTB) have decided to cancel the 2020 International DTB Cup (March 20 to 22), including all accompanying events.
* Source: stb

8. März 2020
Lausanne, SUI
Artistic Gymnastics

Even if not in all areas of life and in all parts of the world, women have conquered positions that were unthinkable just a few decades ago. Especially in sports, especially in "women's" artistic gymnastics - what was reserved for many years in the top international area mainly for the "biomechanically preferred" girls' bodies made significant changes.
