3. Dezember 2005
Artistic Gymnastics

For many hours friends and family of the Olympic Chamipon (Munich 1972) Klaus Köste had to fear for his life. He has been in intensive care for more than 10 days now. After a disruption of the aorta he had to undergo surgery twice.

27. November 2005
Melbourne / Australia
Artistic Gymnastics

The European Gymnastics Service
'GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL' - powered by the Dutch company 'Janssen - Fritsen' - presents the '38th Men's World Championships and the
29th Women's Worlds' in artistic gymnastics which were held in the Australian Olympic city of 1956 Melbourne.
After the the second success of Nastia Liukin on beam and the first gold of Alicia Sacramone on floor the USA are the most succesful nation in the women's field.
Slovenian's Mitja Petkovsek (parallel...

20. November 2005
Melbourne / Australia
Artistic Gymnastics

Eleven years after the world championships of artistic gymnastics were held in Australia (Brisbane, 1994), now the top highlight 2005 came back to the 'green continent' again.
It will be the '39th Men's...' and the '29th Women's Artistic Gymnastics Worlds', organized by the 124 years old International Gymnastics Federation F.I.G., started in 1903 in Antwerp (men's first) and completed by women's first event at the 10th tournament in Budapest 1934.

20. November 2005
Melbourne / Australia
Artistic Gymnastics

On Saturday, November 19 (men) and on Sunday, November 20 (women) will held the important sessions of PODIUM TRAINING.
All participants can use the original apparatuses under the same conditions like at the following competition days;
it's also a very important logistically check for all processes for the organizers.

May be to study the first interest thinks into the exercises of the athletes....

19. November 2005
Melbourne / Australia
Artistic Gymnastics

On Saturday, November 19 (men) and on Sunday, November 20 (women) will held the important sessions of PODIUM TRAINING.
All participants can use the original apparatuses under the same conditions like at the following competition days;
it's also a very important logistically check for all processes for the organizers.
May be to study the first interest thinks into the exercises of the athletes....
