GYMboard temporarily closed!
The GYMmedia portals are known in over 130 countries and are used daily by users from about 110 countries, unfortunately not only well-meaning ones.
Intensive hacker attacks of unknown origin put our data base structures at risk during the Easter holidays.
For the first time after 44 years, a gymnast from Luxembourg will participate in the Olympic Games!
On August 15th, when the gymnastics competitions in Beijing are taking place, Sascha PALGEN from Rümlingen will celebrate his 24th birthday in Beijing.
Twenty years before his birth, in 1964, gmynastics legend Josef STOFFEL accomplished his 5th participation in Olympic Games as the last Luxembourger. He therewith hold a record, which could only broken by husky Jordan JOVTCHEV from Bulgaria, if...
... biggest Peace Initiative by German Sportsmen!
Five years ago, in an Appeal for peace: "SPORTSMEN AGAINST WAR" almost 2.500 German Olympic Champions and participants, World and European Champions and sportsmen turned against the war in Iraq with an unparalleled collection of signatures.
GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL hosted this initiative back then, of which Germany's Olympic Champion in Gymnastics Klaus KOESTE was one of the initiators, together with the German cyling legend Gustav Adolf SCHUR.
People of different confessions, party memberships...
The host of the upcoming European Championships in Clermont-Ferrand won a dual meet versus Great Britain in Blackpool/GBR last Saturday.
French team won with 229,300 : 227,500 and Pauline Morel (FRA) was the best gymnast in all-around (58,250), followed by the best British gymnast, Becky Downie (58,100) and Laura Jones (57,250).
France and Great Britain placed sixth and seventh, respectively at the last Worlds 2007 in Stuttgart.
British juniors defeated the French team 219,650 :...
The German women's national team celebrated a clear victory in the international meeting versus the Netherlands in Friedberg, Bavaria, winning clearly with 174,15 to 152,05 Punkten.
Best in all-around was Katja ABEL from Berlin with 56,70 points.
After the competition, which was the second qualification for the European Championships at the same time, the German EuCh-team was nominated. The Saxonian federation will be the strongest in the team for the EuCh in France, with the two gymnastsJoeline Möbius and Jenny Brunner...