23. März 2024
Berlin, GER
Artistic Gymnastics

In almost three decades, the "International JUNIOR TEAM Cup" in the German capital has developed into one of the most competitive youth tournaments in the world! For its 27th edition in the Olympic year 2024, around 120 young talents between the ages of 12 and 18 have travelled to Berlin in around 30 teams and from 21 nations, the best of whom want to be among the world's best athletes at major elite events in a few years' time!...

17. März 2024
Stuttgart, GER
Artistic Gymnastics

The four-decade-long history of the DTB Cup began 40 years ago with the 1st EURO tournament in artistic gymnastics. As a top-class tournament with "GRAND PRIX status", it even received the DTB CUP dignified unofficial title of "Wimbledon of artistic gymnastics", largely shaped by its creator at the time, Mr. Robert BAUR, and was one of the highest-calibre World Cups until 2019. (→ 40 years of the DTB Cup; in German only).
After a...

8. Februar 2024
Lausanne, SUI
Artistic Gymnastics

For the fourth time, the continental European Gymnastics federation "European Gymnastics" (EG) is organising the "Gymnast of the Year" election. The Technical Committees, authorities, staff and the 50 EC member federations submitted a list of nominations in five areas:
* Men, Women, Teams, Coaches and Outstanding Performances.
A selection committee, consisting of European Gymnastics Vice President Michel Boutard, Executive Committee members Paolo Frising, Natalja Inno and Solveig Jonsdottir, Director General Lisa Worthmann and Head of...

1. Februar 2024
Berlin, GER
Artistic Gymnastics

"Since 2019, the European Gymnastics Service ""GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL" has been offering its highly frequented GYMmedia platforms to training and competition practitioners and the numerous event organisers of the GYMnastics disciplines for joint use:
! We see such synergy effects as a great opportunity for increased media visibility if we succeed in joining forces in cooperation with the various levels - from associations and clubs to event organisers ("GYMfamily events") as

23. Januar 2024
Berlin, GER
Artistic Gymnastics

GYM-World Calendar 2024

At the beginning of the Olympic year 2014, GYMmedia has compiled the most important events in artistic gymnastics, as well as
all other gymnastics disciplines, in overviews.
* We are happy to include further important events - including active links to our own websites - and thus...
