25. August 2008
Beijing / China

The European Gymnastics Service "GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL" is providing reports from the "Games of the XXIX Olympiad 2008" in Beijing, concentrating particularly on news about the three gymnastics disciplines ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS, TRAMPOLINE and RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS.
* This service is being supported by the leading manufacturers of gymnastics equipment in these disciplines,
- Janssen-Fritsen (NED) - artistic gymnastics;
- Eurotramp (GER) - trampoline;
- SPIETH Gymnastik (GER) - rhythmic gymnastics.
* ... Games of...

28. Juni 2008
Albacete, Spain

To the first time the Spanish Gymnastics Federation is hosting a Trampoline World Cup event, which will take place from Friday June 27 to Saturday, June 28.

After the last week's 45th NISSEN CUP in Arosa, Switzerland, this 5th world cup of the 2008 circuit is also the last before the Olympic events in August in Beijing.

The 'Pabellon Universitario Ciudad de Albacete' welcomed athletes from 20 countries, fighting in trampoline individual, synchro, but also in...

21. Juni 2008
Arosa / Schweiz

Am 20./21. Juni findet in der Eissporthalle in Arosa (SUI)  der 45. Nissen Cup statt.  Es ist der vorletzte der 5 Trampolin-Weltcups vor der Olympischen Spielen 2008 in Peking und für viele der Welt-Topathleten wird dieser Wettbewerb auch Ausscheidungscharakter haben. 
Nach den Qualifikationen des Freitags werden die olympischen Einzelkonkurrenzen nahezu durchweg von Chinesen dominiert, ausgenommen der Führung des Russen Dmitri Uschakow vor  - Lu und Dong ...
Der Frankfurter Markus Kubicka beeindruckte dahinter als Vierter, während Olympiastarter Henril...

21. Juni 2008
Arosa, Switzerland

After the this weekend's 45 anniversary of the traditional NISSEN CUP in Arosa, Switzerland the Spanisch city of  Albacete (ESP) will be hosting the next  weeks World Cup stage in Trampoline Gymnastics from June 26  to 29, the last before the Olympiv competions in Beijing, China:
45. NISSEN CUP 2008:
Without the reigning European Champions the Chinese athletes dominated the fourth world cup event of the Olympic season in Arosa, Sitzerland before the todays final event:

25. Mai 2008
Publier / France

Karen Cockbirn from Canada won women´s Trampoline with 39,00 points at the 3rd Trampoline Worldcup 2008 in Publier (France) before Huang Shanshan (China, 38,60) and Claire Wright (GBR, 37,20). Dong Dong from China won gold with 41,00 points Gold in men´s Trampoline, silver for Masaki Ito (JPN, 40,00) and bronze for Alexander Rusakov (RUS, 39,50).
The synchron Trampoline decided the Japanese Masaki Ito and Manabu Yamaguchi in men´s and Natalia Cernova and Irina Karavajeva from Russia in women´s....
