29. Januar 2003
Rhythmic Gymnastics

According to information from the FIG Headquarters in Moutier, Switzerland, on January 29, 2003, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has confirmed the FIG sanctions to Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics stars Alina Kabaeva and Irina Tchachina, following their positive anti-doping test in Brisbane, in 2001.
So both gymnasts are suspended for the rest of the sanction, from January 23, 2003 to April 08, 2003 included... >> FIG information (English)
>> FIG information (French)

17. Januar 2003
Grand Prix
Rhythmic Gymnastics

To the past 7 organizers of the 2003 Grand Prix series with Belarus (17./19.Oktober) the 8th was added. Further applications for the attractive series were present, which were not accepted however in the interest of the gymnasts (too many tournaments altogether).
>> more

The tournament of Berlin take part in this series again, which presents itself with new name: The Berlin Masters of Rhythmic Gymnastics takes place from 27 to 29 June 2003 in Berlin.

12. Januar 2003
Rhythmic Gymnastics

The three times German vice-champion of juniors last year Sandra Machate retired from the German national group and goes back from Wattenscheid to Schmieden.
Also Maria Wolf from Halle finished her carreer in the German national group, but the reigning German champion of all-around Annika Rejek is a new member of the German national group of rhythmic gymnastics, now.

12. Januar 2003
Rhythmic Gymnastics

After the victory in team competition of rhythmic gymnastics of the Australian Olympic Youth Festival in Sydney the Japanese were also the best in individual. Mai HIDAKA won with a score of 76,625 points. On second came Kaori USUMANO (75,90). Rebecca TERZIAN from USA was third with 75,697 points.
>> ... detailed results

10. Januar 2003
RSG-EM Riesa:
Rhythmic Gymnastics

The European Championships of rhythmic gymnastics 2003 will be held in the 'City of Sports' Riesa, Germany, fom April 1st to 6th.
Everywhere the national groups are working at their new programs and performances.
Also the new German group of juniors, who presented the new and difficult exercise (five hoops) at some show events, like the 'Fireworks of Gymnastics Art' this week in Halle, Saxonia-Anhalt.

>> Profile of the German Group
