25. November 2003
Gran Canaria
Happy Gymnastics

The center of the holidays region Maspalomas has been fully occupied by participants of the Blume Festival Gran Canaria.
Almost 1,000 spectators have come to see the colourful performances from groups of various countries.
The local government of Las Palmas completely supports the 43rd Blume Festival:

3. November 2003
Happy Gymnastics

BAGA-info-- The development of international disability sport takes a major stride forward this weekend, when Belfast hosts the second Pan-Disability Gymnastics International.
The competition, sponsored by Belfast City Council through its ‘Support For Sport’ programme, is being held at Maysfield Leisure Centre on Saturday (November 1) and Sunday (November 2).
Read the reports of the British Gymnastics Federation...

11. Oktober 2003
Vienna / Austria
Happy Gymnastics

ueg-info -- With 27 votes against 15 for his adversary Manuel Boa de Jesus (POR), Dimitrios Dimitropoulos (GRE) has been elected as head of the European Union of Gymnastics, UEG. He succeeds Klaus Lotz (GER) who has chaired the umbrella organisation of European gymnastics since 1993 and who will manage the UEG until the general elections which will be held during the 21st Congress in 2005.

In order to replace D. Dimitropoulos on the position which he...

7. Oktober 2003
Vienna / Austria
Happy Gymnastics

From Thursday to Saturday (Oct. 9th – 11th 2003) the 20th Congress of the European Gymnastics Union (UEG) will be held in the hotel “Wiener Parkhotel Schoenbrunn”.
231 delegates from 43 countries – among them many famous former World and Olympic Champions – will, in addition to the usual “general meeting- topics”, discuss mainly about the following three major topics:
- taking of a decision on new formats for the European Championships which better suit the market

26. Juli 2003
Lisbon / POR
Happy Gymnastics

On Saturday the worldwide biggest gymnastics event , the 12th WORLD GYMNAESTRADA was finished in the National Stadium of Lisbon/Portugal.
About 22,000 participants from 55 countries took part from 20th to 27th July in Lisbon (POR). The most important festival of not-competitive sports of International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) had an attractive program. The Opening Ceremony, the performances of large groups, the National Evenings, the FIG-Gala and the Closing Ceremony became highlights of this World Gymnaestrada. The most...
