14. Juni 2005
Moutier / Switzerland
Artistic Gymnastics

fig-info: --- : The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has terminated negotiations with the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG).
Discussions focused on the contract governing the acquisition of rights for images of FIG World Championships and World Cup finals for the current 2005 – 2008 Olympic Cycle.

9. Juni 2005
Great Britain
Artistic Gymnastics

The British gymnast Elizabeth Tweddle who crashed at the Euro Champs in Debrecen last week, resumed full training again
Her coach Amanda Harrison Kirby said: 'Beth is fine! Originally she had to go through a check in the hospital and wear a neck collar overnight, but not anymore. Beth has had a few days to rest. Her next competition will be Great Britain versus China in two weeks. However, we are now looking towards the British Championships...

1. Juni 2005
Beijing / China
Artistic Gymnastics

Work has begun on the new National Indoor Stadium in Beijing following a groundbreaking ceremony on 28 May 2005.
This is the sixth venue for the 2008 Games to be built since Beijing was awarded the Games in Moscow in 2001. The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by BOCOG President Mr. Liu Qi and Beijing Mayor and BOCOG Executive President Mr. Wang Qishan.

29. Mai 2005
Helsinki / Finland
Artistic Gymnastics

The 5th FIG COUNCIL, which was held in Helsinki (FIN) May 27 - 28, finished and the F.I.F gave some
Official News
London has won the bid to host the 2009 World Championships in Artistic Gymnastics, the first major international gymnastics event to follow the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing (CHN).
London’s bid, presented by the FIG Council member and British Gymnastics President Brian Stocks, was approved on Friday, 27 May 2005 at the FIG Council...

28. Mai 2005
Bad Wimpfen / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

Einen erwartet klaren, ja überdeutlichen Sieg der deutschen Turnnationalriege der Männer, gab es gegen die Auswahl der Tschechischen Republik mit 216,075 : 175,450 Punkten.
In Bad Wimpfen gestalteten alle deutschen EM-Kader trotz Hitze aber in bester Wettkampflaune einen gelungenen Test für die bevorstehenden Europameisterschaften, die Mitte nächster Woche im ungarischen Debrecen beginnen.
Bester Mehrkämpfer war der Saarländer Eugen Spiridonov vom TV 1883 Bous mit 52,35 Punkten vor dem Hallenser Christian Berczes mit 52,100 Punkten....
Auch der parallel...
