31. Juli 2005
Duisburg / Moutier
Artistic Gymnastics

New ICROS System...
The Artistic Gymnastics Technical Presidents, Ms Nellie Kim and Mr Adrian Stoica, travelled to Duisburg to participate in a work meeting with Swiss Timing Director, Daniel Baumat, who came to comment on the latest tests carried out with the new IRCOS system (Instant Replay and Control System), a development requested by the FIG, primarily to allow judges to visualise an exercise immediately following its presentation during a competition....

27. Juli 2005
Artistic Gymnastics

The Gymnastics Federation of Luxemburg has an opening for a national coach in women artistic gymnastics (pre-juniors)...

This and more you will find at our special
>> GYMmedia-Job Exchange

21. Juli 2005
Cottbus / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

Ronny Ziesmer had one year after his accident, defiant heavy rain, a first sports practice. He meet with multiple paralympic winner Heinrich Koeberle and Errol Marklein -the last Berlin Marathon winner- to make his first tries with his new handbike on the cycleracing track at the Olympic Center in Cottbus/Germany.

Marklein and Koeberle are the absolute top specialists in technics and practice for paralised athletes. They fitted Ronny's new bike ergonomicly to his disability and found his practice...

18. Juli 2005
Zuerich / Switzerland
Artistic Gymnastics

The Swiss Cup, which is one of the most popular events for gymnasts since over 20 years, moves next year from the ''Zuericher Saalsporthalle'' to the ''Hallenstadium''.
Main reason: the Saalsporthalle with 2.500 seat is too small...
- The Hallenstadium is a great alternitive with 11.500 seats. It's possible to divide the gym so that it'll be a great competition even with less fans...

18. Juli 2005
Hamburg, Cottbus / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

In its latest edition (18-07-2005) the German magazine DER SPIEGEL does not only dedicate an article to Ronny Ziesmer as sportsman.
Almost exactly on the very same day one year after the horrible accident (12-07-2004) the former virtuoso of motion appears in the science section:
He substantially expanded his primary idea of founding a 'Ronny Ziesmer Gymnastics Foundation': Ronny is aiming for getting actively involved by founding a holding company in order to support...
