17. September 2004
Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia
Artistic Gymnastics

The 6th South-East Asian Gymnastics Confederation (SEAGON) Junior Championships
was a huge success for the Malaysian girls- but also a huge disappointment, too...

While the rhythmic gymnasts swept the board, winning all six gold medals and four silvers and two bronzes as well, the artistic gymnasts were a huge failure and were obviously way behind their regional rivals....

12. September 2004
La Serena / Chile
Artistic Gymnastics
4. September 2004
Hamburg / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

The team of the North Harbour Gymnastics Centre Auckland (NZL) was the winner of the first day's team competition with 98.950 points at the International Alsterpokal 2004 held in Hamburg (Germany). The Norwegian team of the Kristiansand Turnfoerening (96.825) and the team of the Sports centre Decin (CZE; 92.150) followed on the ranks.
Ailish Nolan (NZL) proved to be the best all-rounder and on the second day with the apparatus finals she became the most successful gymnast of this...

3. September 2004
Calgary, Toronto / Canada
Artistic Gymnastics

Kyle Shewfelt (CAN), the first Canadian to win an artistic gymnastics medal when he took the gold in the floor exercise at the Olympics in Athens, promised to do his bit to advance sports in Canada by acting as a role model.
'For me, I was lucky on the day that I was able to put it all together,' Shewfelt said after the civic celebration where he was presented with a Calgary Flames jersey and a new street sign...

2. September 2004
Hamburg / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

This weekend on 3/4 September 2004 the Verband für Turnen und Freizeit Hamburg, VTF, Germany, arranges an international tournament in Women’s Artistic Gymnastics in the Sports Hall Wandsbek with top-class athletes.
The well established 'International Alsterpokal' has developed to the gymnastic highlight of the northern part of Germany and welcomes teams from four continents: Africa, America, Australia/New Zealand and Europe....
