Einen erwartet klaren, ja überdeutlichen Sieg der deutschen Turnnationalriege der Männer, gab es gegen die Auswahl der Tschechischen Republik mit 216,075 : 175,450 Punkten.
In Bad Wimpfen gestalteten alle deutschen EM-Kader trotz Hitze aber in bester Wettkampflaune einen gelungenen Test für die bevorstehenden Europameisterschaften, die Mitte nächster Woche im ungarischen Debrecen beginnen.
Bester Mehrkämpfer war der Saarländer Eugen Spiridonov vom TV 1883 Bous mit 52,35 Punkten vor dem Hallenser Christian Berczes mit 52,100 Punkten....
Auch der parallel...
On Saturday, May 28 the German men's national team of artistic gymnastics welcomes the team of the Czech Republic to a dual meet, just before the beginning of the European Championships in Debrecen Hungary.
The competition will held in Bad Wimpfen, in the South of Germany (near Heilbronn).
Simultaneously also the junior teams of both countries will meet there...
>> Read more on the German GYMmedia portal on www.gymmedia.de
'Quo vadis -FIG...?
The FIG men's and women's technical committees will present proposals for a vote of the executive committee this month in Helsinki, Finland.
The 5th F.I.G Council will take place there from May 23rd to 28th within the context of the redaction of the new Artistic Code of Points.
FIG pronounced: 'While reading the comments this subject has rised, we can see that all and its contrary that can be said or written has already...
With 'GYMtours' to Debrecen
Cooperation with 'PEGAZUS TOURS' / Budapest
Some days before the European highlight starts - the 1st Individual Euro Champs in Debrecen (HUN) - the Hungarian Pegazus Tours ('Official Tourist Agency' of the Hungarian National Olympic Committee) presents special offers to travel to the European summer highlight of artistic gymnastics. In partnership with GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL -
you can travel to the 1st Individual Euro Champs in Debrecen (HUN) from...
The world wide wellknown Belgian 'DRAGONE Company' is looking for professional artists, new or experienced, soloists or generalists coming from the world of theatre, circus or street arts.
We are particularly interested in all athletes, gymnasts, acrobats and top sportsmen who have perfectly mastered their body and wish to pursue a career in the field of Stage Arts. This must be achieved by the unique goal of constantly searching for quality, the wish to push one's own...