4. Juli 2005
Lignano / Italien
Artistic Gymnastics

Yesterday were opened the '8th European Youth Olympic Festival 2005' in the Italian Adriatic city Lignano, which will held from July 3 to 8.
All together 2,500 young athletes from 40 countries arrived and will participate in 11 different disciplines, among of them women's artistic gymnastics only.
At the artistics competition take part about 100 young girls at the age of 14 - 15 years from 35 different nations (28 complete teams).
On Monday will held the...

28. Juni 2005
Almería / Spain
Artistic Gymnastics

Mediterraneans are opened now...
Last Friday Spanish King Juan Carlos officially opened the 'XVth Mediterranean Games Almería 2005 to a full house and after a spectacular ceremony organized by “La Fura dels Baus”.
In front of an enthusiastic audience that filled the Mediterranean Stadium, “Al-Mariyat Bayyana” traced back the history of Almerian civilization as a tribute to the combination of different cultures.
Eleven nations have sent gymnasts to this quadrennial multi-sport event for European and...

25. Juni 2005
Deva / Romania
Artistic Gymnastics

Yesterday, after 3 months of involuntary time-out due to interdicted training (being given a “negative for training and competition” status) by reason of persisting spinal problems and consequentially missed Europeans, the country’s National Institute for Sports Medicine (INMS) allowed Olympic team and vaulting Champion Monica Rosu and Olympic team Champion and beam finalist Alexandra Eremia to resume training.
The National Institute for Sports Medicine (INMS) in Bucharest is in charge of the athletes health and an institution, all Romanian...

22. Juni 2005
Aarau / Switzerland
Artistic Gymnastics

The Swiss Gymnastics Federation STV announced that the 30th anniversary of men's European Championships will be celebrated in Switzerland in 2008.
After Bern (1975) and Lausanne (1990), (with a gold medal for Daniel Giubellini and a silver for René Pluess) Switzerland was chosen by the Executive Committee of the UEG for the third time to host Euro Champs, the host city being again the city of Lausanne, where already the 1997 World Championships took place ...

19. Juni 2005
Cologne / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics

Happy Birthday, Oksana....!
Actually Oksana Chousovitina was registered to compete in the Dutch Open Tournament 2005 last weekend, however she didn’t show up. Hence the currently reigning world champion on vault and the oldest internationally-competitive female gymnast today, celebrated her birthday at home in Cologne.
Already in 1991, being a member of the last USSR gymnastics team in the history of World Championships, she became World Champion on floor in Indianapolis at the age of 15.
