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REPORT:      Emma Williams is the New British Gymnastics Star
gbr_rund.gif (835 Byte)    - British Championships 2000 -
             Artistic Gymnastics, Women

. Emma Williams (City of Liverpool), who celebrated her 17th birthday on Sunday, 9th July, became a star overnight when she captured the all-round title in the 2000 British Championships held at the Spectrum Guildford. She followed this success in the Apparatus Finals by taking two Gold medals (Vault and
Beam) and two Silver medals (Uneven Bars and Floor). Emma was a late starter in Gymnastics and took up the sport to help improve her health after having being diagnosed asthmatic.

The 1995 and 1999 British Champion Annika Reeder came second to Emma in the all-round and on Beam, but her best discipline (two times Commonwealth Games Gold medallist) the Floor, she scored 9.8 - the highest score of the week-end and convincingly took the Gold medal.

The third most successful gymnast was local girl Kelly Hackman (Woking), who demonstrated unique stability throughout the week-end, winning three Bronze medals (in the all-around, on Beam and on Floor).

"This competition demonstrates that GB has excellent strength in depth with our senior
gymnasts", said Adrian Stan, Technical Director for Woman's Gymnastics.

These Championships served as the third and final Olympic trial. The nine most successful gymnastswho will continue their preparation for Sydney are:

(Source: British Artistic Gymnastics Association)

An ihrem 17 Geburtstag (9.Juli) wurde Emma Williams faktisch über Nacht ein Star, als sie sich völlig überraschend den Mehrkampftitel bei den Britischen Meisterschaften im "Spectrum" von Guildford holte.
Diesem Titel liess sie dann zwei weitere bei den Finals an Sprung und Schwebebalken folgen und holte dazu noch Silber an Stufenbarren und Boden.
Emma ist eine typische "Spätstarterin" im Turnen und hatte eigentlich mit diesem Sport begonnen, um ihr Asthma im Kindesalter zu bekämpfen.

Die Britische Meisterin der Jahre 1995 und Titelverteidigerin '99, Annika Reeder, musste sich sowohl im Mehrkampf, als auch am Balken mit Rang 2 begnügen, aber in ihrer Spezialdisziplin Boden war die zweifache Commonwealth-Siegerin an diesem Gerät nicht zu schlagen und markierte gar die höchste Wertung des Wochenendes: 9,800.

Als Dritte beeindruckte Lokalmatadorin Kelly Hackman vor allem mit stabilen Programmen in all ihren Übungen und gewann insgesamt drei Bronzemedaillen (Mehrkampf, Balken und Boden).

"Diese Meisterschaften demonstrierten gewachsene Stabilität und Stärke des britischen Frauenturnens resümierte ein zufriedener Adrian Stan, Sportdirektor des britischen Turnverbandes.

Diese Britischen Meisterschaften 2000 dienten als dritte und letzte nationale Olympia-Qualifikation.
Folgende 9 besten Turnerinnen gehen nun in die Phase der unmittelbaren Olympiavorbereitung

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Annika Reeder (South Essex)
Lisa Mason (Huntingdon)
Sharna Murray (Alderwood)
Emma Williams (City of Liverpool)
Kelly Hackman (Woking)
Melissa Wilcox (Easton)
Paula Thomas (South Essex)
Rochelle Douglas (Alderwood)
Holly Murdock (Salto, N. Ireland)

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Vera Atkinson/BAGA


Half way through the all-around of the British Championships, which also served third and decisive Olympic Trial, WILLIAMS Emma (City of Liverpool), who will turn 17 tomorrow, was topping the list of elite senior gymnasts.
Nothing changed until the end and Emma, "who came only to fight for a place for Sydney", as her coach KIRBY Amanda said through tears of joy, saw herself as the most surprising new British Senior overall champion, with a score of 37.187 points.

. REEDER Annika (South Essex), 1996 British Olympian and twice British Champion (1995 and 1999) and MASON Lisa (Huntingdon), three times British Champion (1996, 1997 and 1998), both had wobbles on the Beam and lost precious tenths of the points. Annika’s last score for her A.Bars routine, 9.3 was not good enough to compensate for the lost at the beginning of the competition and she finished with silver medal. (37.187)
The full house in the Guildford Spectrum enjoyed the steady performances of the local gymnast HACKMAN Kelly (Woking) who won the bronze medal with 36.875 pt.
In fourth was THOMAS Paula (South Essex), 36.787, 5th DOUGLAS Rochelle (Alderwood), 36.750 and sixth MASON Lisa (Huntingdon), 36.500.
The names of the nine gymnasts who will continue their preparation for the Olympic Games in Sydney will be announced on Monday. After the training camp in Minsk (BLR), 30th (July-20th August) eight will fly to Brisbane for the BOA Pre- Olympic training camp, and six of those will finally depart for Sydney on 9th September.
Very competitive MASON Rebecca (14), from Sandbach, won the Junior title with a score of 36.887 points and a considerable margin of 0.721 points ahead of the elegant OWEN Rebecca (Park Wrekin), 36.175. Title contender TWEDDLE Elizabeth (City of Liverpool) missed her chances for gold on her last piece of apparatus, the Beam, and dropped into third (36.025 points).
"Rebecca Mason was immaculate in this competition; she was fully in control of the situation and deserved her title." said Competition Director Lynda Fairbrother.

Winner in the Espoire (U12) section was JOHNSTONE Ashton (City of Liverpool), 34.225 points, followed by BAYLEY Samantha (City of Bath), 34.025, and BAGSHAW Amy (Park Wrekin), 33.875 points.


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