BLEYER - a worldwide reputation for excellence in Sports and Dance shoes!


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Slovenian Gymnastics Federation

1970, October,  22nd  to  27th

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Remembering... /...Rückblick
(..... 30 years ago...  /   ... vor 30 Jahren)

    World Cups  ALL
Tianjin '99
Glasgow '99
Zurich '99
Stuttgart '99

Montreux 2000

Cottbus 2000

Glasgow 2000

Ljubljana 2000


Men   Women
Japan 571,10 Goldan.gif (12571 Byte) Soviet Union 380,65
Soviet Union 564,35 Silber.gif (872 Byte) German Democratic Republic 377,75
German Democratic Republic 553,15 Bronz.gif (1525 Byte) Tchechoslovakia 371,90
4. Yugoslavia 549,45   ...8. Federal Republic of Germany 356,85
....10. Federal Republic of Germany 532,45   ...10. Yugoslavia 348,40

Individual, All around

Men men_aa.gif (126 Byte) Women
Eizo Kenmotsu JAP Goldan.gif (12571 Byte) Ludmilla Turichtcheva URS
Mitsuo Tsukahara JAP Silber.gif (872 Byte) Erika Zuchold GDR
Akinori Nakayama JAP Bronz.gif (1525 Byte) Sinaida Voronina URS
...  9. Miroslav Cerar   )* YUG ...36.Slepica Bajin YUG
...11.Mathias Brehme GDR ...39. Angelika Kern FRG

Finals, Men

men_fx.gif (115 Byte)      men_ph.gif (118 Byte)  
Akinori Nakayama JAP Goldan.gif (12571 Byte) Miroslav Cerar   )* YUG
Eizo Kenmotsu JAP Silber.gif (872 Byte) Eizo Kenmotsu JAP
Takeshi Kato JAP Bronz.gif (1525 Byte) Victor Klimenko URS


...4. Milco Vratic
...5. Mathias Brehme
men_ri.gif (136 Byte)       men_va.gif (113 Byte)   
Akinori Nakayama JAP Goldan.gif (12571 Byte) Mitsuo Tsukahara JAP
Mitsuo Tsukahara JAP Silber.gif (872 Byte) Victor Klimenko JAP
Michail Voronin URS Bronz.gif (1525 Byte) Takeshi Kato JAP
men_ba.gif (122 Byte)       men_hb.gif (118 Byte)   
Akinori Nakayama JAP Goldan.gif (12571 Byte) Eizo Kenmotsu JAP
Eizo Kenmotsu, Michail Voronin JAP Silber.gif (872 Byte) Akinori Nakayama JAP
- - Bronz.gif (1525 Byte) Klaus Köste
Takuji Hayata

)*  - Miroslav Cerar is the  Director of Tournement of the "Ljubljana GYM 2000", now.

Women's Finals

wom_va.gif (120 Byte)       wom_ub.gif (130 Byte)   
Erika Zuchold GDR Goldan.gif (12571 Byte) Karin Janz GDR
Karin Janz GDR Silber.gif (872 Byte) Ludmilla Turistcheva URS
Ludmilla Turistcheva
Lubov Burda
Bronz.gif (1525 Byte) Sinaida Voronina URS
          ...6. Angelika Hellmann GDR          ...6. Erika Zuchold GDR     
wom_be.gif (105 Byte)       wom_fx.gif (180 Byte)   
Erika Zuchold GDR Goldan.gif (12571 Byte) Ludmilla Turistcheva GDR
Cathy Rigby USA Silber.gif (872 Byte) Olga Karasjova URS
Christine Schmitt
Larissa Petrik
Bronz.gif (1525 Byte) Sinaida Voronina URS
      ...5. Angelika Hellmann GDR              4. Karin Janz GDR     

The presentation of this World Cup "GYM 2000" by GYMeurope-World of Gymnastics" was sponsored

BLEYER - special shoes for Gymnasts, Ballet and Dance !!

...30 years later:
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GYM 2000 Ljubljana
ball_bunt.gif (1577 Byte)
gymhome.gif (1070 Byte)

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- ehe -
